This is an interactive art sets that represent an up to date approach to children’s creativity.
The set consists of:
– 800 magnetic blocks of 16 colors
– Collection of original arts one can assemble using PIXIO-800
– Digital app with thousands of pre-created arts that allows virtual blocks assembling, artistic experimentation and getting inspiration.
The PIXIO-800 invites you into a world of pixel art that you can explore in analog and virtual form. PIXIO-800 fun and engaging, easy to use supports and develops original vision, creative courage and artistic skills.
STEM subjects and learning goals supported by PIXIO-800:
Digital Tools
– Using basic devices and software applications
– Building networks through online connections
Innovation and Creation
– Using a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts
– Using digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks
– Developing, testing and refining prototypes as part of a cyclical design process
– Creating original works or responsibly repurposing or remixing digital resources into new creations
– Customizing content to suit the intended audience
Shapes and Measurements
– Using standard measurements in volume, mass, and length
– Describing and comparing 2D and 3D shapes by sides and angles
– Building 2D and 3D shapes
– Spatial imagination training
– Recognizing and measuring area as an attribute of 2D and 3D shapes.
– Representing and interpreting data with picture graphs
Digital Citizenship
– Engaging in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology
– Cultivating and managing their digital identity (e.g. social media posts, public comments/reviews)