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How to Balance Larger Classes with Home Play-Based Learning

Are you worried about the impact of larger-sized classrooms?

Find out how you can support learning at home by incorporating play-based activities into your daily routine.

With the move from private to state schools, parents may be concerned about a reduction in the attention children will receive from their teachers in class sizes that are generally bigger. Therefore it’s important to consider how to extend and support learning out of the classroom.

Integrating play-based activities into your child’s daily routine can make learning enjoyable and impactful.

Here are some practical ideas that parents can incorporate to enhance their child’s cognitive and creative skills.

Art and Science

Art and craft activities are fantastic for sparking creativity and fine motor skills. Set up a dedicated art station at home with supplies like crayons, markers, coloured paper, glue, and safe scissors.

Encourage your child to create their own masterpieces, whether it’s drawing, painting, or crafting models. Projects such as making holiday cards, building collages from magazines, or constructing simple sculptures from clay can provide endless creative stimulation.

Simple science experiments can make complex concepts tangible and fun. Activities like baking soda and vinegar volcanoes, making slime, or growing crystals teach scientific principles in an engaging way. Explain the science behind each activity to enhance their understanding and spark further curiosity about how things work.

Getting out and about

Spending time outdoors is not only beneficial for physical health but also stimulates curiosity and learning. Organise nature walks where your child can collect leaves, rocks, or flowers. At home, use these items for sorting, counting, or creating nature art projects. Encourage your child to ask questions about the natural world, and explore the answers together through books or online resources.

Gardening can also be a hands-on way to teach children about nature, responsibility, and patience. Involve your child in planting seeds, watering plants, and watching them grow. Discuss the different stages of plant growth and the importance of caring for living things.

Play can also introduce basic engineering concepts and encourage perseverance.

Cooking and Baking

Involving children in cooking and baking is a wonderful way to teach them about measurements, following instructions, and the science of food. Let them help with age-appropriate tasks like stirring, measuring ingredients, or decorating cookies. Cooking together can also be an opportunity to discuss nutrition and healthy eating habits.

Quiet Time Activities

Puzzles and board games are excellent for developing critical thinking, strategy, and patience. Choose games appropriate for your child’s age and interests, and play together as a family. This not only enhances cognitive skills but also promotes family bonding and communication.

Encourage a love for reading by setting aside time each day for reading together. Create a cosy reading nook with a variety of books that cater to your child’s interests. Additionally, writing activities such as keeping a daily journal, writing letters to family members, or creating their own stories can enhance literacy skills and creativity.

Integrating play-based activities into your child’s daily routine doesn’t require extensive planning or resources. The key is to create an environment that encourages exploration, creativity, and learning in a fun and engaging way. By incorporating these practical ideas, parents can help their children develop essential skills that will benefit them both inside and outside the classroom.